Biography and Such...


There is a cliché explaining the subtle difference between a writer and an author which goes like this: a writer waxes philosophically about the new story she is writing, while an author humble brags about the reviews from his last published piece.

If that is the case, I am a writer. It's what I do, for good or ill. Mostly for good. Unless you are a willfully ignorant, avarice-ridden, Fascist… in which case, you will find the bulk of my work deeply offensive to your immoral core. But give it a read anyway and see if it helps you develop into a decent human being. That is the point of good writing, you know, to provoke personal transformation.

When I am not writing, I dabble in painting and photography in order to exercise my degree in Fine Art. On the rare occasion when I want to relax, I can be found playing my guitar at the highest volume decorum allows.

Then there is the rehabilitation and maintenance of Skull Mountain and the social life of its denizens, a.k.a. Mandy and The Sharks. While incredibly time consuming, such things are profoundly worthwhile.

If you are interested in my older works, here is a list of titles. Feel free to Google to your heart's content. If you end up with a copy of any of my books and would like a hand drawn book plate, shoot me an email. I will hook you up.

The Letter Home (A picture book about World War I, Front Street Books, 2005)

Run Far, Run Fast (A picture book about The Black Death, Front Street Books, 2007)

For Liberty: The Story of the Boston Massacre (A picture book about The Boston Massacre, Calkins Creek, BMP, 2009)

The Punk Ethic (A young adult novel, namelos, 2012)

Lies in the Dust: A Tale of Remorse from the Salem Witch Trials (A graphic novel about The Salem Witch Trials, Islandport Press, 2014)

With all that said, I look forward to tossing new work into the void. I love the way a good story doesn't make a sound when it never hits the bottom.

Now, put down your phone and do something cool in the real world.

Be well.

Timothy Decker
The Skull Mountain Rambler


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